What makes these men so irresistible to women, and why do they always manage to land their girls so effortlessly?
In a world of 7 billion people, it would be irresponsible to generalize every class of human being. However, as students of social structures, we tend to notice patterns in everyday life that we can apply some science to. We’ve all encountered the kind of men who can seemingly land any type of woman that they fancy. They are like magnets that draw women in by sheer will. On the other hand, there are also some men who just can’t seem to catch a break when it comes to love and relationships.
They wear their charm and charisma on their sleeve like a plague and women are just naturally repulsed by them. There’s a reason for these distinctions, and they aren’t subtle nuances in their personalities. These are two very different kinds of men who carry with them different character traits, ideologies, and mannerisms that dictate their success in love and in life.
In truth, it’s not that hard to point out the differences between these two kinds of men: the ones who women are allergic to, and the ones that women can’t get enough of. This article aims to highlight the traits and psychological makeup of the latter. What makes these men so irresistible to women, and why do they always manage to land their girls so effortlessly?
Well, typically, the answer to these questions can be categorized into 5 very specific types of men. Here is your chance to find out whether you’re the type of guy who is able to land any type of girl, or if you’re the man who is most likely going to have to settle with solitude for the remainder of your life. Here are the 5 types of men who attract the most women:
1. The Romantic Nice Guy
Celebrity Examples: Hugh Grant, Tom Hanks
This is the kind of guy who seems like he was ripped out of a script for a romantic comedy. He’s the leading man in your idealized fantasies of romantic stories. He’s the type of guy who shows up at a girl’s doorstep with flowers in hand. He’s John Cusack standing outside a girl’s window blasting a boombox with her favorite song. He’s the guy who serenades his girl at a karaoke party or on open mic night. He’s the kind of guy who will give a woman chocolates and gifts even though it’s just another regular day. He’s very much into grand romantic gestures, and he will never tire of making a woman smile and giddy.
2. The Hot Shot![]()
Celebrity Examples: Harvey Specter from Suits, Elon Musk
These are the kinds of men who climb the corporate ladder so much faster than their peers. You rarely ever see them not sporting an expensive suit or a Rolex. They drive the fanciest cars, and they have the most elegant apartments and townhouses. They are ambitious, goal-oriented, driven, and hardworking people. They want the best things that life can offer them and they understand the value of dedication and commitment. While they may come off as materialistic, their women know that money isn’t everything to them. Their material possessions are only manifestations of their work ethic and their zeal for success.
3. The Sexy (Mature) Man
Celebrity Examples: George Clooney, Brad Pitt
There’s always something about an older man who is able to maintain a youthful innocence and yet still carry an air of maturity and wisdom. They come off as very cultured and complex individuals who are well-versed in various aspects of life. They are knowledgeable and well-read. They are exposed to various forms of art, science, and culture. They know what they want out of life, and they have had their share of heartaches in the past. They understand that they’ve been on this earth for quite a while but there’s still so much more to get out of it. They act as a guiding light to the women they are dating, and they are always there for whenever their girls feel lost.
4. The Macho Gentleman![]()
Celebrity Examples: Daniel Craig as James Bond, Ryan Gosling
This is truly the man’s man. He’s the kind of guy who wakes up in the morning to hit the gym and lift heavy weights, but then he’s dressed in a fancy polo shirt and khakis by lunch. He’s very gentlemanly and classy but he still manages to carry an air of ruggedness and masculinity. He seems like the guy you can grab a beer with on the weekends and go on long fishing trips with. He also seems like the guy who would be a great with kids.
5. Mr. Congeniality
Celebrity Examples: Will Smith, Vince Vaughn
Mr. Congeniality is the funny guy that people can’t get enough of. They are the type of men who are an absolute joy to be around. They always maintain good relations with the people they encounter and are always generally well-liked by the community. They are free-spirited and they always carry themselves with tact and grace. They never say the wrong things, and girls are always waiting on whatever comes out of their mouths.
Ladies, Talk to me
Ladies, do you agree with this? Let me know in the comments below!